Pertumbuhan kesehatan pada badan pusat statistik
Pertumbuhan kesehatan pada badan pusat statistik

pertumbuhan kesehatan pada badan pusat statistik

Sistiarani, C., Gamelia, E., & Hariyadi, B. Proceeding Book Health National Conference, 6–11.

pertumbuhan kesehatan pada badan pusat statistik

Lulianthy, E., Setyonugroho, W., Mawarti, R., & Permana, I. Journal of Muslim Community Health (JMCH), 2(3), 138–153. Evaluasi Kunjungan Balita Ke Posyandu Di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Di Puskesmas Totikum Kab. Panduan Kesehatan Balita Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Laporan Kinerja Kementrian Kesehatan Tahun 2020. Analisis Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini Indonesia 2018-Integrasi Susenas dan Riskesdas 2018 (B.

pertumbuhan kesehatan pada badan pusat statistik

In this regard, respondents need an instrument/tool that can be used for independent monitoring of growth and development.Ĭonclusion: Monitoring the growth and development of toddlers during the pandemic by utilizing technological advances and being up to dateĪmanullah, G. Results: The results of this study stated that before the pandemic monitoring of toddler growth and development was carried out at the Posyandu using the KIA Handbook Instrument/Tool, while during the pandemic monitoring of toddler growth and development could not be carried out directly because of a policy. The research site is in the Surabaya area by distributing questionnaires in the form of Google Form. The population of this study amounted to 36 respondents, with a purposive sampling technique. Methods: This research uses a descriptive-analytic design, cross-sectional approach. Purpose: This study aimed to find out the need for KPSP applications in monitoring the growth and development of toddlers. If there is a deficiency in one aspect of development, it can affect other aspects, so there is a need for early detection of toddler growth and development. The development of the early phase in the form of cognitive, motor, emotional, social, and language functional abilities, is a determinant of the development of the next phase. Development is the result of the interaction of the maturity of the central nervous system with the organs it affects. Abstractīackground: The development process occurs simultaneously with growth, so that every growth is accompanied by a change in function. KPSP, Android, Growth and Development, Toddler.

Pertumbuhan kesehatan pada badan pusat statistik