Open Chrome from the desktop.Navigate to /chromebook/offers/ the 100GB of Google Drive space.Scroll down to the Google Drive section and click “Redeem offer.” Redeem 90-days of Google Play for free! Your opinion: What cloud storage solution is the best? Do we miss an option? As always, thanks for reading. Please comment below if you have tried any of the listed products. Also, if you end up using multiple storage accounts and want to access them easily on your Android device, check you our roundup of the best cloud managers for Android Whichever plan you choose, we hope it brings you the storage and quality you’re looking for.

The massive storage MEGA offers and the ease of using Dropbox are two other benefits you can’t ignore.

Cloud is always going to be mentioned, due to how easy they integrate with I. It’s easy to switch between the products, including p.Cloud (our number one recommendation), but that doesn’t make it any less valuable.

The end is here, and you probably have decided which cloud storage provider to choose.